Heather Hansman’s Solo Paddle Down the Green River Julie Brown|March 28, 2019 Heather Hansman's book, 'Downriver: Into the Future of Water in the West,' has plenty to share about policy and government, but it also offers a glimpse into the things we learn about ourselves and our community when we head toward the wilderness.
Steve Swenson On Playing The Long Game In The Mountains Kelly Cordes|March 26, 2019 In his fifth decade of climbing, Swenson is still aiming for unclimbed peaks and finding joy in the process.
Beyond the Grind Aaron Gulley|March 26, 2019 The Oregon Trail Gravel Grinder, and other new events like it, want to make gravel (more) fun.
Atlanta’s First Urban Mountain Bike Trail System Jess Daddio|March 22, 2019 The “City in a Forest” is about to open its first mountain bike trail system within city limits.
Life on the Road, Kids in Tow Shanti Hodges|March 20, 2019 Many of us dream of selling our home and hitting the road. Meet five families who have done just that.
The Best Climbing Books According to AAC Librarians Eric Rueth|March 19, 2019 The AAC library is packed full of alpine history. Here are the librarians' top picks for mountain stories to get lost in.
Here’s How Whitewater Season is Shaping Up in the Southeast Graham Averill|March 15, 2019 American Whitewater just announced the timed releases of hydroelectric dams in the Southeast, providing a preview of the season for rafters and kayakers.
Op-Ed: New Mexico’s State Office of Recreation Will Improve Outdoor Access for Kids Gabe Vasquez|March 14, 2019 Op-Ed contributor Gabe Vasquez on the importance of the New Mexico Legislature's recent passage of a law to create an Outdoor Recreation Division.
10 Important Lessons I Learned Teaching My Kid to Ski Emily Stifler Wolfe|March 14, 2019 A parent teaches her kid to ski but ends up learning valuable lessons herself.
Tired of Your Sport? It Could be Burnout Aer Parris|March 13, 2019 You might have heard of burnout in the workplace. But did you know it can happen in sports, too? Explore the phenomenon with us now.
The Story Behind Indiana’s First National Park Cassidy Randall|March 13, 2019 Indiana Dunes recently became the country's newest national park—a conservation effort more than 100 years in the making.
Landmark Public Lands Package Becomes Law REI Staff|March 12, 2019 The president signed into law a bill that secures protections for more than 2.5 million acres of public lands and more than 500 hundred miles of river.