
REI Stewardship

Stewardship at REI

At REI, “stewardship” is how we talk about sustainability. The word “steward” reminds us that we are taking care of something that came before us and will be su...
REI Membership

Elements of an REI Membership

What began as a group of 23 mountain climbing buddies is now the nation's largest consumer cooperative. But no matter how large we grow, our roots remain firml...

How to Stay Warm with #NeckSwag

It’s winter time. You know it, we know it, and your neck definitely knows it. Skiing, cycling, and running are all fun until that one sneaky breeze sets its ...

How Renewable Energy Powers REI

REI works to protect the environment and the places its members love to play. Energy use is one of our largest impacts on the climate, and we have committed to ...