Pickin' Up in the Pines

  • Participants

    Age 18 and up

Campsites near Flagstaff are utilized heavily this time of year and many of them need more attention than what our forest service personnel can give. This is why the REI Co-Op is teaming up with Oak Creek Watershed Council and Dark Sky Brewing to put on a volunteer event; we are going to be pickin' up in the pines. We will be meeting on Forest Road 237 off of the 89A just south of Flagstaff at 1:00pm, see link below for a google maps link. Look for the REI event signs off of 89A, turn down the forest road, and Forest Service staff and business volunteers will be there to greet you and help kick-start our volunteer efforts. After the clean-up, REI will host a raffle of REI Stewardship Shirts, bandannas, as well as some cool gear and Dark Sky Brewing will be handing out $2 drink tickets to all those 21 or older. Please wear close toes shoes and bring some snacks and water. All cleaning supplies will be provided by the OCWC. We hope to see you out there!

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